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Yo-Zuri Ultra Lens Squid Jig A333 - Blue

SKU: A333-22
Stock: 30

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Perfectly balanced for a precise lifelike swimming action, these jigs prove irresistible to squid. Available in an array of colors and finishes,including cloth wrapped.

Hi quality Green squid jig lures from Yo-Zuri.

Crystal on 11/17/2015 04:57am
the jigs are the best ive ever used but are no longer available anywhere in
australia, i use them to catch arrowhead squid in lake macquarie nsw,
typically suspended around 15-24" below small float late in the evening from
late november to early april,have only ordered 2 for now but if they are the
ones i think they are i will be ordering plenty more
Nick on 05/05/2013 04:23am
I caught some squid from my Kayak and when I found small bluebait in their
guts, I figured that these yo-zuri blue squid jigs would be better than the prawn looking jigs.
even closer in appearance are a brand called "duel".
I'll let you know.

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