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Yo-Zuri "Ultra" Lens Squid Jig A333 - Pink

SKU: A333-4
Stock: 2

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Perfectly balanced for a precise lifelike swimming action, these jigs prove irresistible to squid. Available in an array of colors and finishes,including cloth wrapped. These squid jigs from Yo-Zuri are pink in color for a bright colorful target for squid.

Gioi on 04/30/2013 08:17am
The yo-zuri squid lures will hook in the quids legs or body and the fisherman just need to
pull the quids out of the water as soon as he feel something pulling. Just like
Hahn on 03/17/2012 11:01am
I just tie the jigs to the monofilament leader line and with some weights in the
bottom. Then I cast the line and let the whole thing drifts. I reel slowly in until
I feel there is a slight "tug of the line". Then I reel the squid in.
Squids are finicky. Sometime they bite like crazy and sometime they just dont.

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