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Rapala Ultra Light Rippin Rap 04 - Pink Tiger UV

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The Rippin' Rap features a lipless, deep belly profile designed to crank, swim and rip. With its skinny sides this bait flutters on the drop. Hard vibrating action on fast or slow retrieves accented with loud, distinctive BB rattle system. Textured scales and gills with deep set 3D holographic eyes. Super easy to fish, the Rippin’ Rap® is perfect for pulling over or through grass, bouncing off timber and rippin’ through rocks. Long-casting with variable running depth, this one is just right for clear water where look is key or for fishing stained, dark water where just the right sound is essential. Fast piercing VMC® black nickel hooks seal the deal.

Preston on 01/02/2017 05:15am
I use them exclusively for perch and crappie while ice fishing. The crappie
lake I ice fish is heavily stained so the glow and UV colors are preferred.
Jeremy on 12/13/2016 04:37am
I meant to get all the uv ultra light rippin raps but only grabbed
the pink one, I guess ill have to place another order lol, anyway im using them for
vertical jigging through the ice, I live in Northern Ontario and the uv pink is a
killer for perch, crappies, walleye, and trout, thabks, itsctought to find the uv
colour family for a good price

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