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Williamson Lures Single Assist Hook - 6/0 Short

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The hottest technique in blue water jigging assist hooks are rigged at the top of the lure where fish usually attack prey. The swinging chord used to tie assist hooks also attracts fish. With this rigging the fish is not able to use the weight of the lure as a lever and throw the hook. It also reduces the risk of the lures snagging the bottom or wreck.

•Black Nickel VMC® hook
•Heavy-duty Dacron with protection tubing that prevents chafing
•Stiff rig avoids tangling around leader

Josh on 06/03/2013 08:17pm
I use the single assist hooks for Offshore jigging
Kyle on 05/15/2013 08:12am
I am using the assist hooks with butterfly jigs (Shimano butterfly jig for example).
It works great catching rock fish, ling cods in West Coast water. I match the hook
size with the jig size and bounce it up and down on the bottom of the ocean (here
fish and game only allow us to fish no deeper than 30 fathoms.) Some fisherman also
use the butterfly jig for yellow tails and tuna.
Socrates on 03/06/2013 10:11pm
I use them to jig fishing on wrecks with speed jigging lures

Jerome on 01/12/2013 01:00pm
I use them by pair at the top of my jigs.

My last week end catch on a williamson benthos 150gr is a 50lb GT at 200ft
deep, using a shimano jigwrex rod and a shimano stella 20000FA (80lb YGK
I caught at the same trip a 78lb GT at popping, using a 150g yozuri popper,
with a shimano saragosa 10000 (50lb braid) on a OTI tuna sniper rod.

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