Mustad Classic Bronze treble hooks set the standard in quality and are very economical. Sharp and strong with the quality of Mustad behind them.
Paul on 12/24/2020 01:29pm
i am making spinners for trout fishing i have a Boggs wire forming tool and hav made and continue to make Muskie blade baits both in bucktail hair and flashabou. I have used mustad 3557 hooks on my muskie baits for years
Jason on 12/31/2016 10:12pm
Hooks will be used on Tip ups for Walleyes. Also minnow dead sticks for
perch and trout.
Rick on 04/20/2013 12:16pm
What I do is put a sliding hook on the end of the leader and feed it in a couple
inches, then tie the treble hook to the end of the line. This gives me a free moving
bait holder and fixed treble hook. I then hook the bait holder threw a smelts nose
and hook one prong in the meat of the back of the smelt, making sure that the other
2 prongs are facing down. The free movement of the bait holder gives the smelt
action to move freely, while the treble hook is usually what the salmon or togue get
hooked on. This is all done trolling 8lb mono on a fly rod and reel. The smelt will
usually swim to the desired depth itself, no need for leadcore or down riggers. Very
slow, more letting the bait swim than trolling.
Chad on 04/12/2013 12:56pm
I make custom spinners and sell them on eBay. I typically buy hooks in bulk
but this was a small order and don't
Need too many
Bill on 10/23/2012 09:40am
I bought some last master type lures with no hooks so these bronze treble hooks are for them